Friday 27 February 2015

The McFarlanes


          In 1835 Margaret McFarlane went back to Scotland and came back again to Canada with her brother Donald and her eldest sister, Isabella.  They took up their residence on Lot 18, Concession 5 of the Township of Caledon where they continued to reside to the end of their days.

        Although little is known about our McGregor ancestors, even less is known about our McFarlanes.  In the record of John and Christina McGregor, mention is made of Christina’s sister, Margaret accompanying them on the sea voyage from Breadalbane, Scotland to the new land in Caledon, Ontario.  The record further states that in the fall of 1835 Margaret returned to Scotland to fetch her brother Donald (sometimes referred to as Daniel**) and her eldest sister Isabella.  And what a journey it must have been.  To have already endured a two month journey from Scotland to Ontario, Margaret retraced her steps to return to Scotland for her brother and sister.  What strong pioneer stock we come from!
(**In some records I found Daniel and others, Donald.  I found the following reference which helps to explain the reason for the confusion.  "Among Highland men there is a fine old name which is Domhnal. It gets translated as Donald in English, but the nickname for Donald, among Highlanders, was Dan, not Don or Donnie. Domhnall is the Gaelic for the biblical name Daniel; the error comes in translating it as Donald, instead of Daniel." ( 
     As I mentioned in the section about John McGregor, I did find a marriage for John & Christina.  The marriage record mentioned Christina was from Inchgarth which is a small farmstead with a U-shaped plan and includes "open sheep pens and a cart shed". There were almost no McFarlanes in the Fortingal area which made my search for this family easier.  
          I found christening records for all the siblings mentioned above plus a brother Neil.  In all instances they shared the same parents, Alexander McFarlain and Janet McGregor, as well as all residing at Inchgarth.  Although I do not have absolute proof that this is our family, the preponderance of evidence points in this direction.

           Alexander & Janet were married 22 May 1784 and had the following children:
                                    Isobel                       chr 24 Nov 1785
                                    Neil                          chr 13 Sept 1787
                                    Donald                     chr 9 May 1790
                                    Christy                     chr 20 Nov 1792
                                    Margaret                  chr 8 Sept 1795     

     In Jessie’s brief memoir she said that “she often heard Mother (Christina McFarlane) tell that a cousin of hers was in the company with Sir John Moore when he died and it was in his plaid, Sir John Moore was buried”.  (Like Nelson, Sir John Moore was mortally wounded in battle, and also like the admiral lived long enough to be assured that he had gained a victory. He said to his old friend Colonel Anderson "You know I always wished to die this way". His last words were "I hope the people of England will be satisfied! I hope my country will do me justice!" He was buried wrapped in a military cloak in the ramparts of the town of La Coruña, Spain in 1809.)
            In 1853 Donald McFarlane purchased the E ½ of Lot 18 in the 5th concession west in Caledon.  It is possible that the three were leasing the farm prior to this date.  In the 1851 census Donald & sisters are living together.  In the 1861 census, Isabella is living with John and Christina.  “Daniel” and Margaret are still living on their own farm.  Isabella appears to have died in the 1860’s. By the 1871 census, Daniel and Margaret are living in the same household as William Thompson Pattullo, his wife Jessie (McGregor), and their young family.  I believe they are all living on Daniels farm.
            In the “Account Book of Alexander McGregor” (son of John McGregor) is the following:
“On February 16, 1875 “Daniel” McFarlane died about 5 pm dropping on the floor while walking through the house and showing no signs of life thereafter.  Uncle was buried the afternoon of February 18th .  Daniel would have been about 85 years old.
On November 15, 1876 Alexander McGregor erected two tombstones for Isabella and “Donald”, price $72.”  I have not found a cemetery record for them.  I believe they should be buried in the Alton Cemetery in Peel County, as this is where the McGregors are interred.
“March 6, 1879 Aunt Margaret died about 12:30 pm.”  She was about 83.
            I did find an indenture made on the 11th day of November 1879 regarding the disposition of “Daniel’s” property.  He died intestate as did his sister, Margaret.  Christina being the only surviving sibling received the NE ¼ of lot 18 in the 5th concession west of Hurontario Street.  On the same date Christina sold the SE ¼ to her daughter Jessie Pattullo and the NE ¼ to her son-in-law William Thompson Pattullo.  Perhaps the SE ¼ had been deeded to her previously.  William and Jessie sold the property in 1894, moved Creemore and later packed up and left for Alberta.

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