Wednesday 24 March 2021

Why was John I from “Clinton” in John Reid’s book?

     I have puzzled over why John Mills I, in Reid’s book, Sons & Daughters of American Loyalists, was referred to as John I from “Clinton.”  His loyalist grants were in Grimsby.  This added to my confusion in sorting out this family.  John Mills I was in Clinton by 1814 according to a memorial deed when he sold lots 8 & 9 in Grimsby. John II’s loyalist application in 1817 refers to his father, John I of “Clinton”.  All the other children’s loyalist applications referred to John I of Grimsby.  John I was in Grimsby at least until 1804 when the last application from his other children was submitted.

        Why was John I in Clinton anyway?  His land was in Grimsby.  Was his health failing? I suspect he moved in with one of his daughters in Clinton; both Mary and Phoebe were living there.



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