Friday 11 November 2016


On September 24th, 2016 I attended the Seaforth Highlanders Armory in Vancouver.  After an extensive renovation they were hosting a "highland homecoming".  My daughter was to perform the broadsword dance with the Seaforth Highlanders, which gave me even more reason to attend.

 Sgt. James Scott Pattullo #129493  Seaforth Highlanders, Vancouver
11 August 1890 - 1 March 1917

While watching the tattoo I couldn't help but reflect upon the tragic loss of life in war and particularly the death of James Scott Pattullo at Vimy Ridge.  One of my first blog posts was about him and can be read here.  While at the armoury I found a monument dedicated to the soldiers killed in action at Vimy Ridge.  James, of course, is on this monument.  

I still have not solved where he fits into our family, but I feel an affinity to him because of his letter to my grandmother, Mae (Pattullo) Powell.  Reading his cheery upbeat letter and knowing he was killed two weeks later brings to life for me someone who would probably otherwise be long forgotten.  It is hard to imagine the horror of the conditions with which the troops were living, fighting and dying in.

And now the Highland daughter Susannah performing the broadsword dance with the "Shot of Scotch" highland dancers and the Seaforth Highlanders.  Susannah is the dancer in front.  (Photo by Phil Edge)

Broadsword dance at the Higland Homecoming

You Tube video of the broadsword dance performance by Shot of Scotch and the Seaforth Highlanders - they were the highlight of the event!

All the performers - and what a fabulous performance!

                      Susannah Bowman, Susan Nase, and Adrienne Quane
                                  Photo Malcolm Perry Vancouver Sun

From the Shot of Scotch Vancouver Newsletter
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada: Highland Homecoming Tattoo 
It's every highland dancer's dream to be part of a Tattoo and we had the great honour to be part of the Seaforth Highlanders homecoming to their newly renovated Armoury on Sep. 24. The 80 year old building had undergone many upgrades over the past 4 years and the Highland Homecoming marked the official return of the Seaforths to their home station. The Tattoo portion of the day included stellar performances by the Seaforth Highlanders Pipes and Drums, The Vancouver Police Pipe Band, The Band of the 15h Field Regiment, Chor Leoni Men's Choir and of course Shot of Scotch Vancouver!

We were represented not only by SoS company members that danced a set of dances with the Seaforth Pipes and Drums, but also by a handful of our adult students! As part of the finale, 6 Shot of Scotch Vancouver students, 4 company members and 6 Seaforth regiment members danced a Broadsword that stole the show. The Seaforths, having never done any highland dance before, had only four rehearsals to learn and perfect this dance. They did an amazing job! With an estimated 1000 people in the audience, including our Minister of National Defence, Harjit Singh Sajjan, it was a thrill to be part of this event!

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