Saturday 27 December 2014

James Scott Pattullo

James Scott Pattullo
Who was he and how are we related

     Amongst my grandmother, Mae Agnes Powell's (nee Pattullo) papers I found a photo and a letter from James Scott Pattullo.  It was addressed to my grandmother, and signed "cousin". I often wondered who he was but could not attach him to my Pattullo tree.  As I have experienced over and over, never discount a name or a clue - sometimes that is the puzzle piece needed to move forward.

 James Scott Pattullo

     James was a member of the Seaforth Highlanders, stationed out of Vancouver, and served in France during World War One.  As more information has been made available on the internet I was able to find out more about him.  The letter my grandmother had received was dated two weeks before he perished at Vimy Ridge.

     In his regimental papers James listed his next of kin as Annie O Pattullo, of Mid Islington Farm, Forfar, in Scotland.  He also stated that he had been in the US Army for three years.  Passenger lists for the Grampion show he arrived in Quebec, 10 Aug 1908. He enlisted in the US Army 12 June 1912 and was honorably discharged 12 June 1915.

     A further internet search and I found that in the town of Kinnettles, Scotland a war memorial had been erected in memory of the soldiers of the town killed during the war.  James Scott Pattullo of the Canadian Seaforth Highlanders was one of the men listed.  

     Before the advent of the Internet I would never have been able to find this information.  From these clues I was able to build a tree which led back to David Pattullo and Margaret Adam.  This couple have turned out to be the ancestor of all leads I have traced back to Scotland but so far I have not been able to connect our branch to this family.

     More later...but first more information about my own Pattullo family.

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